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Lower Mainland Criminal Lawyers for Drug Charges

Police still take the possession of illegal drugs seriously and people are still being charged with simple possession of marijuana. Depending on the circumstances, Ralston & Associates has been able to have some charges diverted out of the court system. Generally, in such cases the amount of drug involved is small and the client was not in a motor vehicle. If you are charged with simple possession of marijuana, obtain legal advice as soon as possible. You may be eligible for diversion out of the court system which is much to your advantage.

Cultivating Marijuana Can Lead to Minimum Jail Terms
Growing marijuana plants will almost always lead to a jail term if there are more than 5 plants and the prosecution can show the plants were being grown for the purposes of trafficking. There are now minimum jail sentences for such activities.

Possession with Intent to Traffic a Serious Offence
Possession of drugs such as cocaine (rock or powder), heroin or methamphetamine is treated very seriously. A finding of guilt in regards to the possession of such drugs for the purpose of trafficking will likely result in a jail term.

We Will Explore All Defences Available to You
It is important to retain a lawyer if you are charged with a drug offence. You need to ensure that all defences available to you are investigated by an experienced counsel. The consequences of conviction can be severe. More people are going to jail for drug offences than in the past. The federal government has passed a series of laws making jail terms mandatory for certain offences and removing the discretion from judges to allow people to serve their sentences in the community. A conviction will also likely mean restrictions on countries you can visit, including the U.S.